Volunteers Wanted for Book Sale Preparation and the Day Itself

The Amnesty Book Sale is almost upon us but to make it all happen we need a few more volunteers to sign-up to help us to prepare for the day and to help at the event. The times and dates we require volunteers will be:

Wed 20 Nov 7-9pm – Drivers to help transport books from our garage in Belmont Hill to the Church of the Ascension. People to help load at garage and unload books at Church.

Thu 21 Nov 7-9pm – People to help unpack and lay out books at Church of the Ascension

Fri 22 Nov 7-9pm – People to help unpack and lay out books at Church of the Ascension

Sat 23 Nov 9am – 5pm – People to prepare venue, welcome customers, run campaigns stall, sell books, guide customers and various other tasks as required. At end of the day we will need quite a number of people from 4-5pm to help us tidy up and close down the event.

If interested and available to help out then please email aibg.enquiries@googlemail.com for details.

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